Sunday, January 24, 2010


Ken bought me an iPhone today. I got the iFlexi plan $56 (CS $50.40 exlude caller id) and phone at $248 but need to top up $100 more as my current existing plan is less than 21 months. We bought the extended 1 year warranty too ($89+) in case the battery do not last and a screen protector at $12. I feel guilty for having another luxury item and I said it's a waste. Ken's reply was "我问你。。 爱你是浪费吗?" What a sweetie DH was! Thanks, baby!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Food Art

I saw this on a blog I came upon. This is so gross! I'm really not sure if I should try this out with YX though I think he's gonna get a kick out of it!!!

I'm Yours

Don't you just love him?

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