Monday, November 23, 2009

Preggy with #2

Yes. We are blessed with a 2nd baby and we are truly very happy about it. The 1st trimester was really a tough period but I've tide it over. Morning sickness, constant hunger pangs (7 meals a day!), tiredness and nearly falling asleep in front of the steering wheel numerous times. Trying to keep my cool with #1 yelling and throwing tantrums behind me while I'm so dog tired.... Sleeping as early as 8.30pm and waking up at 7am. Having a Subchorionic Hemorrhage during my 8th week and confined to hospital bed rest for 3 days followed by another 2 weeks of medical leave with bed rest at home. We survived through and baby is strong and kicking hard at me now. I must really thank Ken for his help in tidying the house, taking care of #1, washing his school uniform, preparing #1's night and morning feed as welll as packing his school bag. Thanks for being such a wonderful, husband... baby! Another person I'm grateful to is my mum for taking care of #1 for those nights while I'm confined to bed rest. Thanks lots, mum!

Counting down... 20 weeks now and 20 weeks more to go!

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